Latest articles by
Rachel Williamson
Rachel Williamson is a science and business journalist, who focuses on climate change-related health and environmental issues.
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Household batteries might not make sense for many consumers in the southern states but Queensland is a different story.

NSW Government co-funding chargers to enable EV apartment owners to charge at home.

State based EV taxes have been declared unconstitutional, and EV advocates argue future road user taxes should apply to all vehicles and not be a disincentive to EV adoption.

Radically expanding rooftop solar to 54,000 government-owned properties could save millions, reduce carbon emissions, produce 650 MW of power, and enable vulnerable families to participate in the energy transition.

Helping households generate and store their own power has more impact than short term power bill subsidies.

The Victorian Government has lifted the combined household income threshold for the Solar Homes Program from $180,000 per year to $210,000 per year to encourage more rooftop solar.

Several scientific studies now show that the gases and particulates released from gas appliances used indoors are having an adverse impact on our health.