SwitchedOn is Merging!
A new stage for Renew Economy's electrification and energy efficiency content.
For the last year SwitchedOn has focused on publishing stories and podcasts about electrification and energy efficiency for Australian householders.
That’s because electrification is now acknowledged as being essential for the world to get to zero emissions in the fastest possible time.
It’s the cheapest way to run our homes and businesses, and how we can have the biggest and fastest impact on climate this decade.
With the support of Boundless Earth, SwitchedOn was established and designed as a time-limited series for a separate website. But our time is up!
However, we’re not going away. We will still be publishing articles and podcasts to help map Australia’s electrification journey, but our content will now be available on our sister site, One Step off the Grid, and on Renew Economy, where we have a bigger team and more resources (although not huge!).
The SwitchedOn podcast will still continue, and be available on all your favourite podcast platforms. Check out some of our latest episodes on how to make a home carbon negative, why consumers won’t join virtual power plants, and how energy retailers make money by keeping consumers disengaged.
All the content on the SwitchedOn website will still be available – we just won’t be updating it.
If you haven’t already, sign up to the One Step off the Grid newsletter, and stay in touch with all the latest news and analysis on decarbonising our homes - solar, batteries, electrification, energy efficiency, software, tariffs, electric vehicles and decarbonisation.
You can also still contact me at switchedon@reneweconomy.com.au
Thank you to everyone who has supported the SwitchedOn journey – for providing ideas, content, articles, and interviews. I’ve learnt heaps, and hope you guys have too.
I hope to see you all over at our other sites.
Til then, keep electrifying, efficiently.
All the best.
Anne Delaney
SwitchedOn Editor