
Mike Casey first electrified his cherry orchard. Now his mission is to show New Zealanders its cheaper to run an electric home than a fossil fuel one.

Tim Eden wanted to know how much power and energy his new induction cooktop used so he undertook some simple experiments.

Stuart White discharged power to the grid from his Nissan Leaf via a bidirectional charger, while having a swim and a beer on holidays on the other side of Australia.

Motivated by environmental concerns rather than cost, Cath Davies first started her electrification journey by insulating and plugging the gaps.

Sarah Aubrey ditched the gas in her federation house, went electric and efficient, and now uses a quarter of the electricity she used to.

After recent storms in Victoria fried her gas stove, Sophie Vorrath decided there was no going back - she invested in a portable one burner induction stove for $150.