Smart Energy Council urges Australians to vote for 'Option C' if they want more efficient cars with bigger cost savings, like Norway

Norway shows what's possible if Australians embrace the government’s New Vehicle Efficiency Standard.

Clean energy groups are urging Australians to vote for 'Option C' of the government’s New Vehicle Efficiency Standard - not the government's preferred 'Option B' - if they want to clean up the nation’s car fleet, as Norway once again shows what’s possible when policy is done right.

According to the Norwegian Road Federation’s (Opplysningsrådet for Veitrafikken or OFV) latest monthly vehicle emissions report, new passenger vehicles sold in January averaged just 9 grams of CO2 per km – a new low.

Norwegian new vehicle efficiency January 2024
Norwegian new vehicle efficiency, January 2024

It’s the first time average passenger vehicle emissions have dropped below 10 grams per kilometre in what is by far the world’s most efficient car market.

In contrast, Australian passenger vehicles sold in 2022 produced on average 162 gCO2/km, representing 18 times more CO2 emissions per car than vehicles sold in Norway last month.

Norwegian New Passenger Vehicle Efficiency (gCO2/km)
Norwegian new passenger vehicle efficiency (GCO2/KM) (Data: OFV)

It shows what’s possible if Australians embrace the government’s New Vehicle Efficiency Standard which was released for public consultation.

The government has provided 3 options which Australians can essentially vote on. While the government has stated its “preferred” option is B, clean energy groups such as the Smart Energy Council, are calling for Australians to vote for Option C if they want the choice of more efficient cars with bigger cost savings.

“This could be the most significant policy to reduce Australia’s soaring transport emissions in history!” said Smart Energy Council CEO John Grimes in an email to members congratulating the government on the policy announcement.

“The Albanese Government is seeking your input on the preferred model over the next month. Your opinion is crucial. Access the Impact Analysis and share your thoughts on Cleaner Cars.” said Grimes.

While the government’s preferred Option B is a huge step in the right direction, by embracing Option C, Australia could reduce greenhouse gas emissions and health-wrecking air pollution even faster, providing enormous cost savings and health benefits to all Australians.

New Passenger Vehicle Efficiency Standards (CO2 g/km)
New passenger vehicle efficiency standards (CO2 G/KM)

The public consultation period for the NVES closes on March 4. You can have your say in less than 2 mins and vote on your preferred option here.

Daniel Bleakley
May 31, 2024
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