Radically expanding rooftop solar to 54,000 government-owned properties could save millions, reduce carbon emissions, produce 650 MW of power, and enable vulnerable families to participate in the energy transition.
Home energy efficiency measures - installing insulation, draft proofing and efficient electric appliances - can help decarbonise the grid faster.
Energy tech companies are envisioning homes of the future where we all generate our own power that is seamlessly bought and sold between householders and the grid.
The Victorian Government has lifted the combined household income threshold for the Solar Homes Program from $180,000 per year to $210,000 per year to encourage more rooftop solar.
Given all the evidence that shows gas is dangerous, hazardous and expensive, why would anyone consciously choose gas for their new home?
A new national partnership of all levels of government is needed to coordinate a path to an all-electric future, following more evidence that quitting gas and petrol can save households thousands of dollars.