The amount of silver we need for future solar could be recovered from PV waste.
Why blasting air conditioning at very low temperatures isn't the most energy efficient way to stay cool in a heatwave.
Record installations of hot water heat pumps along with record amounts of rooftop solar are powering the exodus from fossil fuels and all-electric homes.
A roadmap to scale up the roll out of heat pump hot water systems is urgently needed.
Heat pumps are the most efficient heating technology ever invented but Australia's lack of up-to-date, comprehensive standards for heat pumps, that are easily understood, threatens their adoption.
To maintain grid stability whilst speeding up the integration of heat pumps and EVs to the grid, German grid operators will be allowed to restrict electricity supply.
The only way to cost effectively deliver on our renewable energy targets is to utilise Australia’s enthusiasm for low-cost rooftop solar and have a plan for electrification.