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Electric bytes
SwitchedOn Australia Podcast

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Australia's leaky homes could become 'climate ready' using thermal upgrades and electrification, and enable us to avoid building an oversized energy grid.

The day when the price of EVs matches comparable conventional cars is fast approaching. It should give policymakers confidence to set increasingly ambitious policies.

Future Forecast Report finds nearly a half of drivers in all states are contemplating buying an EV but cost is the biggest barrier.

Record installations of hot water heat pumps along with record amounts of rooftop solar are powering the exodus from fossil fuels and all-electric homes.

A roadmap to scale up the roll out of heat pump hot water systems is urgently needed.

Inner West and Lane Cove councils are the latest local governments to use planning powers to stop new buildings connecting to the gas network on health and economic grounds.

Community groups are embracing renewable energy, raising $86 million to power 2800 homes in the last 12 months.

Heat pumps are the most efficient heating technology ever invented but Australia's lack of up-to-date, comprehensive standards for heat pumps, that are easily understood, threatens their adoption.

Australia is well behind the United States, Europe and many other countries when it comes to regulating greenhouse gas emissions from passenger vehicles.

The Climate Change Authority recommends the government extend support for rooftop solar beyond 2030 and expand the types of technologies eligible for support.